Stanford Quads "Club Chatter"

November 2008


(Originally written for publication in Squares 'Round the Bay.)

In September, our club caller John Sybalsky was one of the callers at the "Push Open the Golden Gate" Advanced and Challenge weekend. More than twenty Quads dancers participated in this event.

The same weekend, Jim Davis and Sue Lietz-Davis attended the Square Affair in Santa Maria.

The following Saturday was our annual Challenging Plus Hoedown. Great fun as usual -- the calling of John Sybalsky, the cueing of John Flora, star tips up to C-3B, and lots of food!

Back at Fairmeadow School, Scot Byars called for us two Sundays when John was not able to call.

At the September meeting of the Santa Clara Valley Square Dancers Association, Jim Davis was elected President and Sue-Lietz Davis was elected a Director for the coming year.

By the time you read this, we will have held the two intro nights for our new class. But returning dancers, beginners who have started another class but want a second night, or current dancers who want a better understanding of All Position Dancing are still welcome to join the class any time this month.