(Originally written for publication in Squares 'Round the Bay.)
In March, Dolores Ferrero, Caroline Fifield, John Flora, Bill Hoover, Dodie Hoover, Jan Hoover, Kristen Luttinger, and Ray Olszewski attended the Bakersfield Fiesta.
Also in March, about a dozen Quads started the C-1 class being offered by Interlocked Squares, where our club caller John Sybalsky is the primary caller. And at the Whing Ding on 31 March, it was announced that John has once again been elected as one of the Top Ten callers of this area by members of the Santa Clara Valley Square Dancers Association! Meanwhile back at Quads we all had a chance to enjoy the calling of Scot Byars and Eric Henerlau on several Sundays when John was unavailable. With our class finishing up the Mainstream and Plus lists, graduation was scheduled for 22 April. We look forward to some of our new graduates participating in the Golden State Roundup coming up on Memorial Day weekend! Following graduation, our weekly Sunday schedule returns to full Plus from 7pm to 9pm, with Advanced and Challenge tips starting at 9pm. |