(Originally written for publication in Squares 'Round the Bay.)
In April, Jim Davis and Sue Lietz-Davis attended the California state convention in Ventura. Jim and Sue also served as Grand Prize coordinators for this convention.
At the April Whing Ding it was announced that our club caller John Sybalsky has once again been voted one of the Top Ten Callers in the area by members of SCVSDA clubs. Congratulations, John! The first weekend in May, John called at a Challenge weekend in the Seattle area; Eric Henerlau called for us that Sunday. The second weekend in May, Jim Davis and Sue Lietz-Davis traveled to Arcadia for the quarterly meeting of the California Square Dance Council. That same weekend, Joe Dehn, Dana Mirsalis, Daniel Mirsalis, and Robin Stice attended Rich Reel's Newer Caller Workshop in San Francisco. Mary Gingell has taken on the job of Program Chair for the 50th Annual Jubilee, to be held this October in San Jose. |