(Originally written for publication in The Prompter.)
The third weekend in September, Jim and Sue Davis attended the CCSDA Square Affair in Santa Maria.
The following weekend, Joe Dehn, Rita Guzman, David Haley, Gary Hinze, Julia La Chance, Michelle La Chance, Dana Mirsalis, Daniel Mirsalis, Todd Sprenkle, and Debbie Winnett participated in a square dance demo at "Living Well Expo", sponsored by NBC11 in San Jose. Geoff Blood, Judy Blood, Caroline Fifield, Gary Hinze, Leslie Lorish, and Kirk Lougheed completed the accelerated Advanced class at Belle Swingers, taught by Joe Dehn, Mary Gingell, and Bill van Melle. By the time you read this, you may have danced with them in the Advanced hall at Jubilee! On 24 September we saw many of you at our Challenging Plus hoedown, called by our caller John Sybalsky. In addition to the Plus tips, and the rounds cued by our club cuer John Flora, this dance included star tips at every level from A-1 through C-3. Thank you everybody for making this event such a success. The following week, we co-sponsored a class-level Advanced dance (also called by John Sybalsky), which attracted nine squares of new and experienced Advanced dancers. Photos of both of these dances are online at http://www.stanfordquads.org/pix/. |