Stanford Quads "Club Chatter"

March 2005


(Originally written for publication in The Prompter.)

Our October class, taught by our club caller John Sybalsky, is finished with Mainstream and has been learning more of the Plus calls. As of mid-February, they had only nine left to go. Several class members attended the 5 February newer dancer hoedown -- by the time you read this you will probably have met more of them at the Mainstream Medley!

Tito Autrey, Emma Jellesed, and JennieRae Paker all attended Scot Byars' C-1 "Blast" class in January and have been taking advantage of our weekly star tips to reinforce what they learned. We normally do A-2, C-1, and C-2 tips at the end of our Sunday evening session, so if you have just learned any of these levels and would like some more practice (in addition to some interesting Plus, of course!), please consider coming for a visit.

And all our dancers had another chance to dance to Scot in February when John had to be out of town one Sunday.

Jim Davis and Sue Lietz-Davis made a trip to San Diego to represent SCVSDA at a meeting of the California Square Dance Council.

And Mary Gingell has been hard at work on plans for next fall's annual Jubilee (14-16 October) -- stay tuned for details.