(Originally written for publication in The Prompter.)
Thank you all for attending our annual hoedown on 25 September! John
Sybalsky called a full program of two and a half hours of Plus followed
by almost an hour of star tips, while John Flora and Dolores Ferrero
provided the rounds. We had a good turnout, with more than 15 squares
of dancers registered. (Down to only one square dancing and about 30
people watching by the time we got to the C4 tip, however!)
As this column goes to press, we're all just back from Jubilee. At least 30 of our members attended. Jim Davis, Joe Dehn, Mary Gingell, Michelle LaChance, John Sybalsky, and Kindra van Spyk all had official roles in putting this festival on, and several other Quads helped out as well. Andy Hohenner and Debbie Winnett deserve special mention for the help they provided in planning the youth program. And two of our members -- Danielle Kosiorek and Julia LaChance -- were part of the winning square in the youth competition. Congratulations to all for a successful weekend! Our beginners class started with the first intro session that same Sunday. Our weekly schedule is now Class 7-9pm, with some Plus, Advanced, and Challenge tips following after 9pm. Meanwhile, Quads members have been busy elsewhere. Jim and Sue Davis attended the Square Affair in Santa Maria. Pat Ho and Bill van Melle attended the Tahoe Mirror Touch of Class advanced/challenge weekend. Joe Dehn, Jim Jones, and Michelle LaChance served as angels at an all-day beginner class put on by River City Rugratz in Orangevale. And in election news -- our club caller John Sybalsky has been elected to the Board of Governors of CALLERLAB, the International Association of Square Dance Callers for a three-year term. John had previously served about ten years on this board. Congratulations, John! |